Talk more. Be emotional. Be strong. Be happy. Be happy all the time. Pay your mortgage. Pay the bills. Help with homework. Pay the other bills. Work long days. Be a good child. Be a good parent. Be a good citizen. Care about the environment. Care about everybody. Volunteer.
It's fair to say modern life is full of pressures. It's great if you can clap along happily all the time, but that's not the reality for most of us. Rather we're pushed and pulled all over the place and have strong emotions about lots of things. What is the point of everything we're put through, and everything we put ourselves through?
I don't know the answer. Only you do. What I do know as a psychotherapist is how to provide you with space, encouragement, challenge, guidance and tenderness in a professional relationship to help you figure out what's brought you here, what your pressures are and what you're being put through....and how you can work through things and move forward. The idea of sitting with a stranger and talking about your deepest fears, whether that's a trauma, depression or anything else troubling can be a terrifying one.... reach out now and take the first step towards living the life you want |